Absorb it. Wipe It. Contain It.®
Spilfyter® and Essential Sorbent Pads & Rolls, Specialty Sorbents like Socks, Pillows & Drum Top Covers Spilfyter High Visibility Pads & Rolls, Absorbent Mats & Rugs, Marine Sorbents Spill Kits in a Variety of Sizes and Capacities, Lab & Cleanroom Sorbents, Neutralizers & Classifiers, Wipers & Rags, Secondary Containment & Stormwater Compliance, Granular Absorbents
Medical Grade Solutions
Ensure a safe and hygienic surgical environment with SpilfyterMED absorbent mats. Our selection includes a variety of options to help you choose the best mat for your specific needs and improve patient safety.
Commercial and Industrial Solutions
From oil spills to chemical leaks, we have the right absorbent solutions for your commercial and industrial needs. Our range of products helps you maintain a safe and clean work environment.